Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Who is Justice Sandra Day O' Connor?

Justice Sandra Day O' Connor was born March 26, 1930, she is a significant person because she was the first female member of the supreme court, she was also awarded the Presidential Medal of freedom, by President Barack Obama. She was also the chancellor of the college of William and Mary. She served in the Supreme Court for twenty-five years as a Supreme Court Justice. Sandra day O' Connor came to the classroom and spoke to us about how it was on the supreme court. We were taped on film while playing games on iCivics. Justice Sandra Day O' Connor let us ask her questions about the Supreme Court and how it was like in the supreme court.

We learned about the Supreme Court and that she was the first woman to ever be on the Supreme Court. We also know that she grew up on a farm. We felt inspired by the fact that a very successful woman was talking to us about working in the Supreme Court. The fact that she had many bodyguards around her made us understand how important she was. Lastly, she looked joyful to be in the presence of many children.

We learned that our goals may change for the better and that nothing can stop us from achieving them.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Learn a bit about The Dakota Tribe

The fact that buffalo were plentiful in the Great Plains signaled the Dakota Tribe to hunt them, the Dakota tribe were nomads becuase the buffalo traveled.

Just who were the Algonquin people?

 Geography affected my tribes life style by it bieng seasonal and a mountainous range and they had to hunt and gather there food and the climate bieng seasonal it makes it easer to grow crops.