Monday, March 14, 2011

The mock Hearing

The mock hearing was held in Mrs.Trenkle's room. she gave us this assignment then split us into groups. the people in my group was Montell, Evelyn, Mariah (cow person or Mooriah), and Grace. Each group had to choose a unit and a question in that unit. Our group chose unit two. Our essay was kind of long so we had to cut it down some. After we presented our esaay's and were judge a couple of days later the winners for each unit between the four history clases were announced. When our group was called up as the unit two winners I was happy because we won between all of the people who did unit two. This ment we were going to city wide. I was trying to stay calm and not be nervous so I wouldn't stop or mess up in while reading. At the end of it all between all the other schools that came to compete in this hearing. Our scool got third place between all the schools there even though I was a little angry our school got third place instead of second but inside I was happy we got third and was relieved that this essay is now over.

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